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Important Reminders

​Drop off 8:15 - 8:25 AM:​

  • Gates open at 8:15 AM (only team members open the gate).

  • Gates close at 8:30 AM.

  • Late arrivals may not be admitted for the day.

  • Special pick up instructions: Please advise our team greeter at morning drop-off if there are any special pick-up instructions for your child(ren) that afternoon. ​


Pick up 2:00 - 2:25 PM:

  • Children should be picked up  by 2:25 PM

  • Gate closes at 2:30 PM.

  • There is a sign out sheet system at pick-up.  Please ensure you are signing each day.


Baseball with coach Kevin

Please send your children with tennis shoes on Fridays so they can play their best!


Lunch is provided for on Fridays​


​Savings Bank

This new school project aims to teach students healthy financial habits.

How it works:

* Your child can bring from $5 MXN pesos to $100 MXN pesos ON THURSDAYS to deposit in the student bank. Students will register their savings (individual savings and the total bank savings).

*On July 1st  teachers will hand each student their savings along with their registration sheet.

*Social Fund Jar: Students have the option to donate money by placing it in the Social Jar. At the end of the year several causes will be studied and the students will decide which cause they would like to support.


Tierra Madre Whatsapp group Contact Guadalupe to be added to the Program What’sApp group (informative group only - no chats) to receive all of the program updates, important reminders, and information throughout the year (REQUIRED).​


Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year! 

Tierra Madre is a program designed for learning, collaboration, and growth, where everyone plays an essential role in our shared success. Together, we can create an environment of respect and support that will help our students reach both their academic and personal goals. Thank you for being a part of Tierra Madre. We are very excited to embark on this journey with your families!

Taller Uno

Foto de Guadalupe.jpg

Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year!​ I hope it will be a year filled with learning, growth, and many joyful days. Here’s a glimpse of what we experienced this September.


We started with the first major lesson, "The God without Hands," where we learned about the creation of our planet Earth, the states of matter, classified those in our environment, and conducted experiments where we observed fusion, evaporation, and solidification.


Later, the story led us to explore volcanoes, creating models and learning about the formation of the Earth's layers. Since we are a mixed-age group, the activities were adapted. The green and yellow groups wrote a text highlighting the key aspects of each layer, and they created models using concrete materials. The yellow group made their model, labeled each layer, and orally shared what they remembered about the topic.


This month, we celebrated an important event: Independence Day. We learned a bit about its history, identifying the causes, key figures, duration, and how Mexicans celebrate today.

We also started our team garden. We planted chili peppers and basil, and we hope for a successful harvest.

Finally, on the 19th, we opened our school bank, called Tierra Madre. This month’s committee consists of: Drew - President, Ahadu -Treasurer, Maeve -Secretary. Remember, this activity will take place every Thursday, and it helps develop various skills such as: counting,  mental addition and subtraction, giving change, establishing and respecting agreements, role assignment, waiting for turns, savings management and culture, Identifying the value of bills and coins.


Karina Thomas

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We are very happy to start a new cycle. We would like to share the structure of the week for each of the three classroom groups: purple, blue, and red.


From the first day, we have worked together with the students to establish coexistence agreements both inside and outside the classroom. These agreements are fundamental to foster respect, responsibility, and harmony within our school community. We invite you to ask your children about these agreements and take this opportunity to talk to them about the importance of applying them.


During this first month of classes, the main topics have been:


Science - its definition and its classification into natural, exact, and social sciences.

Garden - Hands to the soil! We studied its needs, the technique of clay pots, activity logs, and knowledge of plants.

History - Mexican Independence.

Ecosystems - concept, classification, and distribution in Mexico.


The activities and resources being carried out in the areas of mathematics and language are focused on addressing needs and reinforcing skills, adapted to the level of each group. The current academic project is about timelines: of life (purple group), human evolution (blue group), and ancient civilizations (red group). In Art, the students made collages by cutting out from different magazines to create their own artwork. This activity not only stimulated their creativity but also helped develop fine motor skills and personal expression. In Socioemotional learning, we explored how emotions, such as fear, joy, sadness, and anger, not only affect our thoughts but also how we can feel them physically. In Experiments, we have progressed in finding resources and the structure that is involved: title, what is intended to be demonstrated, materials, procedure, and conclusion.


Every day, we work on dictation and mental math. We have integrated the use of computers with educational objectives, which has made the classes more dynamic and interactive. The students are researching online and using digital tools to deepen their knowledge. This not only improves their ability to access up-to-date information but also fosters curiosity and critical thinking.

Some children greatly enjoy getting their hands dirty by building a structure with teamwork, using stones and clay and a lot of imagination. These kinds of activities not only encourage collaborative work but also develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, and the children's patience.

Every Friday, we continue with baseball and cooking, activities they also enjoy very much!


Thank you for your trust,


by Mariana de Mendoza



The Taller Plus students enjoyed participating in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science's program called SCIENTISTS IN ACTION, which brings students via webinar format to behind-the-scenes labs or field environments where they get to see scientists’ current work and ask questions of the experts in real-time. The scientists were great and answered all our questions! Thanks parents for bringing the students in early, it was definitely worth it!


Our English class focuses on building essential reading, writing, and communication skills. It helps develop critical thinking and expand vocabulary.


Taller One has been working with the theme farm animals and pets, focusing on vocabulary, spelling and story telling. 


Taller plus is getting creative rehearsing the theater play, The Perfect Pet. The group adapted the script and dicovered that there are great actors among us!


Guadalupe Mazin


Cheers! Tierra Madre

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